General A016-1CG-1.00-2
About this Guide
Purpose of this Guide
This document describes all Custom ABB C3000/C0300 Data-Processing Application (DPA)
configuration parameters. The Custom ABB C3000/C0300 configuration tables are discussed in
terms of the data, which must be entered in order to create valid parameters for the Custom ABB
C3000/C0300 DPA.
Each configurable parameter for the Custom ABB C3000/C0300 is described along with the
range of valid entries and a typical value where applicable.
This document describes only the DPA-specific aspects of configuring a GE Power Systems
device for use with the Custom ABB C3000/C0300 DPA. It does not describe the protocol or
how to use Config Pro configuration system.
If the information contained in this document is insufficient for your needs, refer to the section
called Additional Documentation for a list of supplementary information.
Who Should Use this Guide
This guide is for use by persons who create configuration tables to customize the behaviour of
the A016-1 C3000/C0300 DPA for emulation of the C3000/C0300 protocol in communications
with master stations.