B-10 Banding
3. Confirm that the service station algorithm under Menu -
Configure Printer - Printer Settings - Service Station is set
to 30 Second Spit & Wipe.
Supply-Loop Banding Supply-loop banding results from calibrating the printer with no
supply loop present, but printing actual jobs with a supply loop.
The tension on the media supply and the force necessary to pull
media from the supply are factors in the media advance calibra-
tion. If calibration has been adjusted to compensate for a certain
level of resistance from the supply, but printing takes place with
a different resistance, then the output will show bands. The
bands will be stitch bands, but they will disappear as soon as the
supply loop has been taken up. A common description of the
problem would be “The print looks fine except for the first 6
inches or so.”
It is also possible to have calibrated the advance with a supply
loop; in this case, if the job begins with the loop also, then the
job will be band-free initially but will start banding as soon as
the loop is taken up. This situation is less likely to occur. If the
calibration was performed with a loop, but printing begins with
no loop, then the appearance will be stitch banding throughout
the print.
To eliminate or reduce supply-loop banding:
1. Confirm that the printer was properly calibrated. Verify that
the media advance calibration is performed with no supply
loop, and that the calibration is accurate.
2. Ensure that there is no supply loop present at the start of the
print job.
3. Reprint the same job with no supply loop present and con-
firm that the banding is eliminated.
4. Recommended: set Configure Printer - Printer Options -
Supply Loop to Prevent Supply Loop. This will prevent
media from reversing and creating a loop in the first place.