Special Features 1-21
Special Features The printer has many advanced features to help you produce the
best printed output with the least effort.
Performance Features ◆ AutoSet Calibration — uses a high-resolution digital imag-
ing sensor to automatically align printheads in the x-y
directions and bidirectionally for precise positioning of ink jet
pixels, also compensates for lost or misfiring jets by using
substitute jets without slowing printing speed.
◆ AutoTune — can run AutoSet at user-defined intervals, for
highest quality during unattended printing. Optionally, if
print quality falls below a user-defined level, printing stops
until the problem is corrected.
◆ Onboard linearization — uses the onboard photodiode to
linearize output over the entire density range (with print
server or RIP support).
◆ Integrated heated dryer — dries output as it prints. Option-
ally, the dryer fan may be turned off to avoid streaking on
poly and film media.
◆ Humidity sensor — slows printing in high humidity condi-
tions to ensure drying, and alerts the user when the ambi-
ent humidity is outside of optimal range.
Ease-Of-Use Features ◆ Modular ink delivery system — the ink system consists of
three components—ink reservoir, ink tube, printhead—each of
which can be replaced independently of the others as
◆ Tilt-up print-head carriage — printhead carriage tilts up for
easy access to the ink tubes, printheads, and image sensors.
◆ Manual priming system — recovers clogged ink jets without
removing the printhead from the printer.
◆ Manual air purging system — recovers printheads that are
disabled due to too much air being introduced.
◆ Integrated bidirectional takeup system — takes up printed
output onto a spool for extended unattended printing. Out-
put may be wound image-side out or image-side in.
◆ Media width sensing — automatically detects the width and
position of the media loaded, for precise image placement.
◆ Simplified control panel interface — Front Page screen pre-
sents frequently-used functions, with recommended preset
configurations. A menu provides access to less-frequently
used functions and troubleshooting help.