1-12 Unpacking and Assembly
16. Locate and connect the profiler docking station cable from
the right-hand ink tray to the port on the printer.
17. Using ten of the screws provided, attach the ink trays
➌ and
The right and left trays are mirror images of each other. Posi-
tion the trays so that the inks load from the front.
Insert and tighten the screws most of the way, insert and
drop the trays into place onto the screws, then tighten the
screws the rest of the way.
18. Remove the shipping bands from the long black chain con-
nected to the printhead carriage.
19. Remove the foam block that immobilizes the carriage for
20. Place the white point reference chip into the circular cutout
on the platen, near the left end.
To reach the white point cutout, you will need to reach
inside the left endcap.
Fig. 1-7. Attach the ink trays,
connect docking station cable