Figure 1-3 HPjconfig - Patches Tab
Figure 1-4 HPjconfig - Tunables Tab
Following are the commands for invoking HPjconfig in non-GUI mode. The -help option
lists options you can use in this mode.
$ cd <hpjconfig_installation_dir>
$ java -jar ./HPjconfig.jar -nogui -help
Following is an example using HPjconfig in non-GUI mode to list missing patches for Java
SDK 1.4:
$ java -jar HPjconfig.jar -nogui -patches -listmis -javavers 1.4
Log written to HPjconfig_mutant_20060915_040458.log
List of missing patches:
PHSS_34201 solves problem emulating floating point conversion when running
PA2.0 Java on an IPF system.. solves problem with Aries signal
handling that overlaps Java signal handling. solves problem emulating
floating point conversion when running PA2.0 Java on an IPF system..
solves problem with Aries signal handling that overlaps Java signal
Following is an example using HPjconfig to show the values for HP-UX tunables required by
$ java -jar HPjconfig.jar -nogui -tunables -listreq
Log written to HPjconfig_mutant_20060915_040934.log
List of required tunables:
Name Recommended value
nproc 2048+20
max_thread_proc 3000
nkthread 6000
nfile 30000
1.6 HPjconfig 23