Manage Programs and Recordings
Recording to a SATA Hard Disk Drive (Optional)
On the 8300 DVR models, you have the option to use a Serial ATA (SATA) hard
disk drive for expanded recording capability. Contact your cable service provider
for a list of approved hard drive models for use with the 8300 DVR models.
• The SATA feature is not fully implemented on all 8300 DVRs at this time.
• SATA connectivity is not available on Explorer 8000 DVRs.
Important: You cannot choose between recording to the internal DVR hard drive
or recording to the SATA drive. If a SATA drive is connected to the DVR, a program
is automatically recorded to the hard drive with the most available space.
Recordings are not split across both the internal and external drives.
Note: All recordings stored on the SATA drive can only be played back on the
DVR originally connected to the SATA drive. For instance, you cannot record
programs to the SATA drive, remove the drive, and then reconnect the drive to a
different DVR for playing back programs.
For instructions for connecting a SATA hard disk drive to the DVR, refer to the
connectivity guide for your DVR model:
• Connecting the Explorer
8300™ Digital Video Recorder, part number 4003987
• Connecting the Explorer
8300HD™ Digital Video Recorder, part number 4003986
WARNING: Avoid electric shock. Unplug all electronic devices
before connecting or disconnecting any device cables
to the DVR.
Connecting the SATA Device to the DVR
When a new SATA device is detected by the DVR unit, one of the following banners
appears, indicating that you need to format the device to work with the DVR.
Follow the on-screen instructions to format the device.
Because your SATA drive was formatted to work with your DVR unit, should you
need to disconnect, then reconnect the SATA hard disk drive to your DVR, one of
the following banners appears, indicating that the external device was properly
Press Exit
to close the banner.
Important: Do not power down the SATA drive while the DVR is powered on.
Doing so may result in lost or stopped recordings.