Scientific Atlanta 8000 DVR User Manual

HDMI Interface, 4, 5
display, 8-11
recording programs, 24
storage of programs, 1
High-definition programs. See HDTV
Information area on Explorer screens,
inside of back cover
Installation, instructions for, 47
Instant replay, 17
Keys. See Remote control keys
List key, 28, 29, 30
List of recordings, displaying, 29
Live TV, 2, 16
Lock symbols
Closed Lock, 33, 34, 35, 38
Open Lock, 34
Loss of power, 47
Main TV screen
PIP screen, 20, 22, 23
Quarter screen, 23
keys used to control, 22, 23
stretching, 7
swapping with PIP screen, 22
zooming, 7
controling viewing, 37
parental controls, clients and, 38
Online information, Explorer eClub, 53
Open lock symbol, 34
Overtime in sporting events and
other programs, recording of, 49
Padlock symbol. See Lock symbols
Parental Control feature
blocking programs, 32
blocking recordings, 35
how to use, 34
playing blocked recordings, 36
turning on and off, 34, 37
watching blocked recordings, 36
live programs, 16
PIP screen, 23, 48
Quarter screen, 23, 48
recordings, 16
Pay-per-view events, recording, 28,
46, 48
Picture-in-Picture feature. See PIP
feature; PIP screen
adjusting display, 8
changing darkness of bars in, 11
setting format of, 9, 10
PIN Entry screen, 36, 38, 39
PIP feature
explanation of, 20
turning on or off, 20
TV requirements for, 48
PIP screen
changing channel, 21
displaying, 20
fast-forwarding in, 23, 48
keys used to control, 23
main TV screen, 20
moving location, 21
pausing, 23, 48
Quarter screen, 23
recording, 22
rewinding, 23, 48
swapping with main TV screen, 22