now you can see
Record up to 240 Days
This DVR utilizes the advanced Seagate SV35 hard drive. The 160GB hard drive was designed by Seagate for optimization with DVRs to ensure secure
and consistent recording for years.
Stylishly Integrated 17” LCD
The LCD prole is amazingly slim. View crisp clean video on the 17” screen. The CLEARVU9 instantly transforms your viewing space into a vibrant,
clutter-free, security base station.
View Video Online w/ No Service Fees (Supports DDNS)
View live or recorded footage from any computer with Internet Explorer, anywhere in the world (other web browsers are not compatible). This
unit also features auto time syncing, which makes the time on your video footage consistent with the ocial time. The unique design of the DVR
operating system also means you don’t have to sign up for any additional services.
Email Alerts
This system helps keep you notied of events happening in your monitoring location. You can set the unit to automatically send alerts to your email
inbox whenever motion is detected or when cameras lose power. Up to 7 dierent email addresses can receive these alerts.
You can transfer video footage to a USB ash drive for archiving or osite viewing. You can also transfer your footage using an external DVD/CD
Auto-Start Recording
The DVR instantly begins recording when you rst power it on. It will resume recording after any power loss, providing you with a stable, worry-free
security system.