Teledyne API Model 200A NO
Analyzer Instruction Manual, 02246, Rev. G, DCN 5247
For each mode there are seven attributes that the MODE can have that control operational details
of the SEQUENCE. They are:
Table 6-6-3: IZS Sequence Attributes
Attribute No. Attribute Name Action
1. Timer Enabled Turns on the Sequence timer
2. Starting Date Sequence will operate after Starting Date
3. Starting Time Time of day sequence will run
4. Delta Days Number of days to skip between each Seq. execution
5. Delta Time Number of hours later each “Delta Days” Seq is to be run
6. Duration Number of minutes the sequence operates
7. Calibrate Calibrate the instrument at end of sequence
Example of enabling sequence #2:
Do a span check ½ hour later every other day, lasting 15 minutes, without calibration.
Table 6-6-4: IZS Sequence Example
Mode and Attribute Value Comment
Sequence 2 Define Seq. #2
Mode 4 Select Span Mode
Timer Enable ON Enable the timer
Starting Date Sept. 4, 1996 Start after Sept 4
Starting Time 01:00 First Span starts at 1:00AM
Delta Days 2 Do Seq #2 every other day
Delta Time 00:30 Do Seq #2 ½ hr later each time
Duration 15.0 Operate Span valve for 15 min
Calibrate NO Do not calibrate at end of Seq