Q-See QC40198 Flat Panel Television User Manual

MY Q-SEE DDNS QC40198 User Manual
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Dynamic Domain Name Service (DDNS) provides the capability for a networked device using the Internet
Protocol Suite to notify a DDNS host to change the active DNS configuration of its hostnames or addresses.
This is a useful feature that your Q-See DVR system is equipped with and can be helpful in avoiding any issues
that might occur due to frequent or unplanned changes to your Public/WAN IP address. Enabling DDNS on
your Q-See DVR system will allow you to connect to your device through a DDNS host such as myq-see.com.
In order to facilitate this ability on your Q-See DVR system, you must first set up Port Forwarding as directed in
the User Manual for this device. Once you have enabled Port Forwarding, you can configure your DDNS
information by following these steps:
a. Using a computer that is connected to the same network as your Q-See DVR, use your IE Browser to go
to http://myq-see.com.
b. Click on the New User? Link at the bottom of your page (http://myq-see.com/reg.asp).
c. Complete the registration process by following the on-screen directions and click the [Submit] button
at the bottom of your screen (Figure 8-1).
Figure 8-1