EMC Fibre Channel Disk-Array Processor Enclosure (DPE) Hardware Reference
DPE (Disk-Array
A storage device that includes an enclosure, up to 10 disk
modules, one or two SPs, one or two Fibre Channel LCCs, and
one or two power supplies. A DPE can support up to 11 DAEs
(each with up to 10 disk modules) in addition to its own 10 disk
modules, for a total of 120 disk modules. You can attach a DPE to
one or more servers or external hubs in any of many different
DIMM (dual in-line
memory module)
A type of memory module used for SP memory.
disk-drive module Another name for disk module.
disk module A self-contained disk drive that slides into one of the slots in the
front of the enclosure. The carrier assembly holds the disk drive.
disk unit A short name for physical disk unit.
EA (enclosure
A number, selectable on a DAE front panel, fixed at 0 on a DPE,
that helps establish a unique address for each disk module on an
FC-AL loop. You must set the EA on each DAE. Since the DPE EA
is 0, you might set the first DAE EA to 1, the second to 2, and so
on up to a total of 12 enclosures.
EMI (electromagnetic
Electronic radiation emitted by an electrical device. The levels of
EMI are strictly controlled for data processing equipment. The
EMI standards are explained after the Notice page near the
beginning of the manual.
ESD (electrostatic
The discharge of an accumulated electrical charge (static). This
can severely damage delicate electronic circuits and you should
take steps to prevent this, as explained in Chapter 3.
FC-AL (Fibre Channel
Arbitrated Loop)
An arrangement of Fibre Channel stations such that messages
pass from one to the next in a ring.
FC-AL address ID A number that identifies a device as a node on a Fibre Channel
loop. You select the FC-AL address ID for an SP using switches
on the back of the storage system. The default FC-AL address ID
for SP A is 0; the default FC-AL address ID for SP B is 1.