EMC FC4500 TV DVD Combo User Manual

EMC Fibre Channel Disk-Array Processor Enclosure (DPE) Hardware Reference
lights 1-12
reattaching copper cables to 3-34
removing copper cables from 3-31
replacing 3-30
length restrictions
copper cabling A-3
DPE status 3-3
LCC 3-33
SP 1-9
lights, DPE status 3-2
loop environment 2-3
loose cable 2-2, 2-13
memory modules g-5
installing 3-24
location on SP 1-9
removing 3-24
midplane, description 1-8
optical cables
attaching to DPE 2-14
bend radius A-3
handling 3-8
replacing 3-18
technical specifications A-3
PDU (power distribution unit) g-4
physical disk units, defined g-3
PLDA (Private Loop Direct Attach)
disk standard 1-12, g-4
issues and CRUs 3-4
overview 2-1
requirements 2-1
power supply
adding 3-36
attaching ac line cord 3-44
defined g-4
description 1-13
removing filler 3-37
replacing 3-36
status lights 1-14, 3-3
turning off 3-39
turning on 3-44
powering down DPE 3-5, 3-39
powering up DPE 3-44
power-supply filler
removing 3-37
powerup and initialization sequence 2-16
RAID configurations, binding 2-18
copper cables from LCC 3-31
drive fan pack 2-11
memory modules 3-24
optical cables from SP 3-18
power-supply filler 3-37
replace under power, defined g-4
disk module 3-9
drive fan pack 3-34
LCC 3-30
power supply 3-36
SP fan pack 3-36
SCSI (small computer system interface), defined
server g-4
SFF-8067 standard 1-12
shipping requirements A-6
site requirements 2-1, A-1
size, DPE A-2
SP (storage processor)
adding 3-26
back end, defined 1-10
defined g-5
description 1-9
fan pack 1-14
description 1-15
replacing 3-14, 3-36
status 3-2
status light 1-15, 1-16, 3-2
removing 3-23, 3-27
front end, defined 1-10