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27 Allen-Bradley PLC • 2
Available Memory
Set the memory to the extent of the memory range of each PLC model.
Use TYPE number to assign indirect memory for macro programs.
Transmission Parameter Setting
CPU Port Channel 0
Set up the parameters for CPU port channel 0, using the software specifically designed for this purpose.
Baud Rate : 19200
Duplicate Detect : ON
ACK Timeout( 20 ms): 20
Parity : EVEN
Error Detect : BCC
NAK Retries : 3
ENQ Retries : 3
Embedded Responses : AUTO-DETECT
Memory TYPE Remarks
N (integer) 0
B(bit) 1
TP (timer/current value) 2
TA (timer/set value) 3
CP (counter/current value) 4
CA (counter/set value) 5
I (input) 6
O(output) 7
S (status) 8
TC (timer/control) 9
CC (counter/control) 10
R(control/control) 11
R.LEN (control/data length) 12
R.POS (control/data position) 13
D(BCD) 14
A(ASC II) 15
F (Float) 16
ST (String) 17