Setup Mode
312779E 47
Recipe 0 Screens
. 49 on page 43 for a map of the Recipe
0 screens. Detailed screen descriptions follow.
Recipe 0 is typically used:
• in multiple color systems to purge out material lines
without loading a new color
• at the end of a shift to prevent hardening of cata-
lyzed material.
NOTE: Each screen displays the current screen number
and the total number of screens in the group. The total
number of screens in a group and the fields displayed
on each screen may vary depending on selections
made in the System Configuration Screens and
Option Screens.
Recipe 0 Screen 1
First Purge Source
Select “Air,” “Solvent,” or “3rd Flush Valve” (available
only if 3rd Flush Valve is set to “On” in Configure
Screen 3 on page 33).
Chop Type
Select “Air/Solvent” or “Air/3rd Flush Valve” (available
only if 3rd Flush Valve is set to “On” in Configure
Screen 3 on page 33). This refers to the process of mix-
ing air and solvent (or air and 3rd flush fluid) together
during the flush cycle, to help clean the lines and reduce
solvent usage.
Final Purge Source
Select “Air,” “Solvent,” or “3rd Flush Valve” (available
only if 3rd Flush Valve is set to “On” in Configure
Screen 3 on page 33).
Air Chop Time
Enter the air chop time (0.0 to 99.9 seconds).
Solvent Chop Time/3rd Flush Valve Chop Time
Enter the solvent or 3rd flush valve chop time (0.0 to
99.9 seconds).
Recipe 0 Screen 2
If Number of Guns is set to “2” in Configure Screen 4,
page 33, a Gun 2 column will appear in this screen.
Color/Catalyst Purge Time
This field only appears if the system includes a color
change module. Enter the purge time (0 to 999 sec-
First Purge Time
Enter the first purge time (0 to 999 seconds).
Total Chop Time
Enter the total chop time (0 to 999 seconds).
Final Purge Time
Enter the final purge time (0 to 999 seconds).
. 57. Recipe 0 Screen 1
. 58. Recipe 0 Screen 2