Surf Control 5.5 TV Receiver User Manual

SurfControl Web Filter v5.5 Administrator’s Guide 119
Using Custom Categorization
To open the VCA from the Web Filter Manager, select Content Protection > Custom Categorization
from the appropriate collector or database in the Navigation tree, or from the shortcut button within the
other SurfControl Web Filter components. Custom Categorization is also available from the Start > All
Programs > SurfControl Web Filter menu.
The default view is the List of Destinations tab as shown below:
Figure 10-1 List of Destinations tab
1 In the Select Collector text box, enter the name of the database which is currently in use for VCA
runs, You can click Browse to connect to another SurfControl Web Filter server (Collector).
2The Display objects which contain text box can show the database currently in use for VCA runs.
Enter part or all of a URL to search the VCA List of Destinations for a particular destination or group of
3 Click one of the following buttons to perform a task:
Categorize all Uncategorized Destinations - Starts the VCA categorization process.
Refresh List - Used to refresh the destinations list in the VCA.
Set all destinations back to unchecked - In each run the VCA attempts to categorize all
'Uncategorized' unchecked destinations. However if the destinations have already been checked
in a former run the VCA will not attempt to re-categorize these. Use Set all destinations back to
unchecked to set destinations back to the 'unchecked' state that they were in previously. The VCA
will then attempt to categorize the ‘Uncategorized’ destinations again in the next run. This action
only applies to ‘Uncategorized’ destinations.