128 Administrator’s Guide SurfControl Web Filter v5.5
Creating a New SQL Server Database
If you wish to create a new SQL Server database for Web Filter, use the SurfControl Database Creation
Wizard. Before you can use the Wizard, check the following:
• You must have installed a complete or client version of Web Filter.
• You must have installed Microsoft SQL Server (usually on its own server).
• The SurfControl server must have network access to the SQL Server.
• There must be a user account on the SQL Server with a Database Creators role.
To create a new SQL Database:
1 From the All Programs > SurfControl Web Filter > Database Tools menu select Create SQL
Server Database. The Create SurfControl Web Filter Database Wizard will start.
2 Click Next.
3 Enter the name of the SQL Server and the proper authentication:
• For Windows authentication, select Use Trusted Connection.
• For SQL authentication, leave Use Trusted Connection deselected.
• Enter the SQL Administrator Username and Password.
4 Click Next.
5 Enter the name of the database.
• If you deselect Use Default Locations, specify the locations for the database and transaction log
• If you deselect Set as SurfControl Web Filter Default, specify the new database for both the
Rules and Monitor databases.
6 Click Next.
7 Click Finish. The new database will appear in the Web Filter Manager Navigation tree.
To use the new database in a multiple installation environment you must select the new database from the
Web Filter service. See "Database Tab" on page 112 for more details.
Note: A SurfControl database should only have one database owner.