Surf Control 5.5 TV Receiver User Manual

128 Administrator’s Guide SurfControl Web Filter v5.5
Creating a New SQL Server Database
If you wish to create a new SQL Server database for Web Filter, use the SurfControl Database Creation
Wizard. Before you can use the Wizard, check the following:
You must have installed a complete or client version of Web Filter.
You must have installed Microsoft SQL Server (usually on its own server).
The SurfControl server must have network access to the SQL Server.
There must be a user account on the SQL Server with a Database Creators role.
To create a new SQL Database:
1 From the All Programs > SurfControl Web Filter > Database Tools menu select Create SQL
Server Database. The Create SurfControl Web Filter Database Wizard will start.
2 Click Next.
3 Enter the name of the SQL Server and the proper authentication:
For Windows authentication, select Use Trusted Connection.
For SQL authentication, leave Use Trusted Connection deselected.
Enter the SQL Administrator Username and Password.
4 Click Next.
5 Enter the name of the database.
If you deselect Use Default Locations, specify the locations for the database and transaction log
If you deselect Set as SurfControl Web Filter Default, specify the new database for both the
Rules and Monitor databases.
6 Click Next.
7 Click Finish. The new database will appear in the Web Filter Manager Navigation tree.
To use the new database in a multiple installation environment you must select the new database from the
Web Filter service. See "Database Tab" on page 112 for more details.
Note: A SurfControl database should only have one database owner.