Section 3 — Functional Description
Signal Paths
The video takes one of the following paths (See Figure 3-1):
The normal path is:
■ Input Module
■ Crosspoint Module
■ Keyer Module
■ Mixer Interface Module (A video, Key 1, and Key 2 only)
■ Mix/Wipe Module
■ Output Module
For reentry signals, the path is the same as the normal path except that
instead of going to the output module, the signal is routed to a reentry
module then back into the crosspoint module.
For effects send, the signals use the following path:
■ Input Module
■ Crosspoint Module
■ Keyer Module
■ Mixer Interface Module
■ Effects Send Module
■ Output Module
Effects Send can send any two of the following from either M/E: A video,
Key 1, Key 2. The video and key are sent out to a digital effects system and
returned to the switcher.
The return signal path for the modified video and key is:
■ Input module
■ Crosspoint Module
■ Effects Send Module
■ Mixer Interface Module
■ Mix/Wipe Module
■ Output Module