Configuring the MusicCAST network
The MusicCAST server stores all data used in your MusicCAST system, and distributes it to MusicCAST
clients for playback. MusicCAST clients do not store or record any music data. All components in the
MusicCAST system use a Local Area Network (LAN) for transmission and reception data. The
MusicCAST system can use both wired and wireless network connections to transmit music data. Both
types of connections transmit the same data, but use different methods to do so. Refer to the MusicCAST
system setup guide for diagrams of various possible network configurations.
What is a wireless network connection, and when should I use one?
Wireless networks such as those used in the MusicCAST system use weak radio signals to transmit data. You do
not need a physical connection between your MusicCAST components if you connect them using wireless
network connections, but you need to place all MusicCAST clients in fairly close proximity to the MusicCAST
server for them to work correctly, as the diagrams below illustrates.
Wireless connections are very convenient when there is enough signal strength for the MusicCAST client to
transmit and receive data from the MusicCAST server reliably. You can place MusicCAST clients anywhere you
wish without physically connecting them to the MusicCAST server, so long as they are within signal range (about
30m). This means that you do not need to go to the efforts of laying and connecting cables and can change the
location of your MusicCAST clients at will. However, since wireless network connections do not carry as much
data as wired networks, the MusicCAST server can only distribute to five MusicCAST clients simultaneously
when using a wireless network.
Use wireless connections when:
• You do not want to install network cables.
• You do not wish to use more than five MusicCAST clients.
• Your MusicCAST clients are located close to the MusicCAST server.
Thick walls, televisions, microwave ovens, and devices such as cellular telephones that transmit radio signals may interfere with
or block the wireless network signals from the MusicCAST system. In these conditions, it is advisable to either relocate your
MusicCAST client, or use a wired network connection to connect to the MusicCAST server.