
Chapter 4 - RASFinder Software
RF300E/RF310E 53
In the ISDN Parameter Configuration dialog box you can define the switch type used by the local
telephone company, data and voice TEI (Terminal Endpoint Identifier), your US or European
Parameters, Call Control Parameters, and Data Control.
At a minimum, you will have to define the switch type and the TEIs and you may have to define the
US or European Parameters if required by your local telephone company. Three switch types are
defined for the US Parameters (DMS100, AT&T5ESS, and NI1), this covers the North American
requirements. The European switch types are VN4 for France, NET3 for Euro, and INS64 for Japan.
The data and voice TEI selections are disabled, auto TEI, or zero to 63. These parameters are
determined by the local telephone company, so all you have to do is enter exactly what is provided in
your Before You Start Loading your Software listing.
In our Router Application example in Figure 4-3, the telephone switch at the local telephone company
is a DMS-100 and the local telephone company provisioned the ISDN lines with a data and voice TEI
of Auto TEI. This allows the local telephone company to dynamic assigned the TEIs each time a
connection is made.
Now, for the US or European Parameters which you may or may not have to enter, this depends on
how the local telephone company is provisioning your ISDN connection. If the telephone company
does not require this information, and the default Call Control Parameters and Data Control settings
are OK, you would be done with your ISDN Configuration and ready to start your routing.