RASFinder RF300E/RF310E User Guide
If bridging of IPX packets is desired, IPX routing must be disabled and frame type support for the
frame type must be enabled.
If there is a server on the local segment, then IPX network number auto learn should be enabled. If
there is no server, or if for some reason the RASFinder comes up before the server does, the
RASFinder will default to some random network numbers after a short period of time.
IPX Filters
The network administrator can set up filters on the RASFinder for better control. IPX packet filtering
can be set up to selectively filter or forward packets based on the IPX address.
Filtering can be used when you want to block all packets originating from a specific destination
(called source address filtering) or all packets heading for a particular destination (called destination
address filtering). Filters can be set up to exclude packets of a specific port. The IPX Filtering Setup
dialog box lists the filter type, port, and IPX address. Initially, the filtering list window, i.e., the window
area that displays the Filter Type, Port, and IPX Address information is blank. This information is
displayed in the window when the Add/Edit IPX filter dialog box is filled out.
Note: When filters are installed, the RASFinder needs to do extra processing (i.e., it needs to look
into each packet that has to be routed or bridged). Thus, installing too many filters may lead to
performance degradation.
The Add or Edit IPX Filter dialog box allows you to enter a network number and node number, and
define a socket number, physical port, and filter type. The Network Number defines the physical port
which is defined by turning off AutoLearn Ethernet Network Numbers option in the IPX Virtual Port
Setup dialog box under the Advanced tab. The Node Number is a 12-digit alphanumeric MAC
Address of the Ethernet NIC that is providing your Ethernet interface. The Node Number is defined in
the IP Configuration dialog box under the Adapter Address in the Ethernet Adapter Information group.
The Adapter Address is presented with dashes between each set of two alphanumeric digits. These
dashes can not be used in the Node Number. The IP Configuration dialog box is accessed from a
DOS prompt by enterring winipcfg.
The socket number, physical port, and filter type are provided in drop down lists. Three socket
number selection are provided; NCP, RIP, and SAP. The physical port lists the available port for
which filtering can be accomplished; LAN and the WAN ports. The filter type defines whether you are
going to forward or filter depending on the source or destination address.