Playing MP3 Files
Using the Info Display
'['(t _I<(.'ess lhe Info I)i_pla_ x_Idle ;ll_ _.[P_ di'_< i" Ifla\in_, ptc_ [Nl:t) iin lhc iuII/O[_.' (ll file ll'lll]l I)t
die playel The hdo I)i_ptay :ll_p_.':ll', a¢ rl!,,,, Ihl.. (lip ill lhe :_cIL'el_ 1"_1_II i!f [h_.' pl:l_l_;l_ k tL':it[llL.", 1',
I'UpIC_Ullt_'d h\ :Ill I_1)11 "lit _1__c,'s-, :1 _L':IILIr_'. Ll'_' Ih_.' alIi_\% htlltOll_ (111 thc IUlll()l_' Ii) lii_tllli_lll lhc
icon ]]a_h _I_I[[IIL' lhal (.all Ilu At l¢.'5N_'d holll I}1_' ()11%( l(,C.,ll Inh_ ])i>pl:l,. i> dcst itbcd on the
the II()I11Ill lllu pla_c_
Time Display
Play Mode IntroScan
The MP3 display is shown under the
Info Display.
The MP3 Display
When you play an MP3 disc, the MP3 display will appear below the Into
Display MP3 disc>, conzain individual songs _allcd dries A disc can hold
several lit]e_. Titles ca[_ I_e oL_,anizcd into dilcCtofics and SLlbdirecrolies
W!lctl yoLI play all MP3 disc, the lnfo Disl)lay text box shows the authol
of the currently playing title (song) atld the current title• The follov,,ing
information appears beneath fl_e lnfo Display in the MP3 display
Title - Title of eurlei_t]y paying file in playlist
Artist - Allist {if tfie playing file in the playlist
Album The collection of songs the title _<)mes fiom
Genre - The t}pe ol music file title is classified as (rex k, jazz, etc).
Colnlnent In[<)rn/;_tion acklcd at file tinle the [fie _\:ts _om[)lessed.
Bit rate - Bit rate the title is being played at.
Size - Size ol the currently playing title•
Patl_ Iqacu on Ifie dis_ wficre [he ctu]cI_t litle IS stIHt?d
Chapter 4 53