Take Control of Live Programs
Anytime you tune to a live program, the Explorer DVR begins buffering the
program — that is, making a temporary recording of it — so that you can . . .
• Pause the live program or rewind it
• Fast-forward through the portion you have rewound
• Instantly replay live TV anytime you want
• Save the buffered program to the Explorer DVR by recording it
Buffered Programs
The channel buffer automatically buffers the last hour of the channel
that you are watching and continues to buffer it until you . . .
Watch the channel for longer than an hour
After an hour, the Explorer DVR removes the earlier
minutes of the program from its buffer so that
only the last hour is kept in the buffer.
Tune to another progam
When you change channels, the Explorer DVR begins
to buffer the program you have just tuned to. It removes
the program you were watching from the buffer.
Turn off the Explorer DVR
When you turn off the Explorer DVR, it erases
everything from its buffer.
Have the Explorer DVR record the program
When you press Record , the Explorer DVR records
the portion of the live program it has buffered, and begins
recording the rest of the live program as it is broadcast.
Explore Your Entertainment Options
When recording, the red Record light turns on.