Sony DVP-S9000ES DVD Player User Manual

Additional Information
Parental Control (page 60)
A function of the DVD used to limit playback of the disc
according to the age of the user and the limitation level in
each countr y. The limitation varies fr om disc to disc;
when it is activated, playback is completely pr ohibited,
violent scenes ar e skipped or r eplaced with other scenes,
and so on.
Playback Control (PBC) (page 27)
Signals encoded on VIDEO CDs (V ersion 2.0) to contr ol
By using menus r ecorded on VIDEO CDs with PBC
functions, you can enjoy playing simple interactive
programs, pr ograms with sear ch functions, and so on.
Progressive format (page 66)
Compared to the Interlace for mat that alter nately shows
ever y other line of an image (field) to cr eate one frame,
the Pr ogressive for mat shows the entir e image at once as a
single frame. This means that while the Interlace format
can show 30 frames (60 fields) in one second, the
Progressive for mat can show 60 frames in one second. The
overall pictur e quality incr eases and still images, text and
horizontal lines appear sharper . This player is compatible
with the 525 pr ogressive for mat. Only NTSC signals can
be shown in the Pr ogressive for mat.
Super Audio CD (SACD) (page 6)
This audio for mat is based upon the cur rent audio CD
standar ds but includes a gr eater amount of infor mation
which provides higher quality sound. Ther e are thr ee
types of discs: single layer , double layer and hybrid discs.
The hybrid disc contains both standar d audio CD and
Super Audio CD infor mation.
Title (page 7)
The longest section of a pictur e or a music piece on a
DVD; a movie, etc., for a pictur e piece on video softwar e;
or an album, etc., for a music piece on audio softwar e.
Each title is assigned a title number enabling you to locate
the title you want.
Track (page 7)
Sections of a pictur e or a music piece on a CD or VIDEO
CD. Each track is assigned a track number enabling you to
locate the track you want.
Video based software (page 65, 66)
DVDs can be classified as Film based or V ideo based
softwar e. Television dramas or sit-coms ar e examples of
Video based softwar e and display images at 30 frames (or
60 fields) per second.
VIDEO CD (page 7)
A compact disc that contains moving pictur es.
The picture data uses the MPEG 1 for mat, one of the
worldwide standar ds of digital compr ession technology .
The picture data is compr essed to about 1/140 of its
original size. Consequently , a 12 cm VIDEO CD can
contain up to 74 minutes of moving pictur es.
VIDEO CDs also contain compact audio data. Sounds
outside the range of human hearing ar e compr essed while
the sounds we can hear ar e not compr essed. VIDEO CDs
can hold 6 times the audio information of conventional
audio CDs.
There ar e 2 versions of VIDEO CDs.
Version 1.1: Y ou can play only moving pictur es and
Version 2.0: Y ou can play high-r esolution still pictur es
and enjoy PBC functions.
This player conforms to both versions.