100+ Key 24
8mm Format 49-50
8mm Indicator 13, 16, 17
8mm Key (TV View) 23
8mm Tape 45, 49, 68
8mm/VHS Key 13,22
Active Deck 2U
AmeriChrome Copy Menu 36
Antenna, Setting 32, 7U
Assembly Editing 41-43, 14U
Audio, Adding New 63-65, 17U
Audio Connections 61
Audio Dub 63-65, 17U
Audio Insert 36, 63-64, 17U
Audio, Hi-Fi 35, 49, 18U
Audio, Linear 48
Audio Mixing 65
Auto Features Menu 34
Auto Play 34
Auto Program 32, 7U
Auto Rewind 34
Automatic Assembly Edit 41-43, 14U
Automatic Editing Keys 14, 25
BEGIN Key 14, 25
Computer Control Port 10, 71
Cable Converter Box Hookup 57-60
Cable Hookup, Basic 54-55, 4-5U
Camcorder Hookup 67
Captions (Titler) 36-37, 19U
Care of Dual-Deck VCR 68-69
CATV Indicator 18
CH Indicator 18
Counter 18
Channel Memory 32, 7U
CLK/CTR Key 25
Clock 18
Clock, setting 34, 6U
Connecting the Dual-Deck VCR 53-60, 4-5U
Connecting Video Equipment 67
Control Track 49
Copy Tape 9U
COPY Indicator 18
COPY TAPE Key 13, 26
Counter 18
Custom Titling 36-37, 19U
Date and Time Stamp 36, 13U
Date, Setting 34, 6U
Deck Status 21
Delay Compensation 45
Display Menu 36
Display Mode 36
Display, On Screen 20, 36
Double Speed Playback 27
DUB Indicator 17
DUB Key 15
Dubbing 63-65, 17-18U
Edit Controller Port 10, 71
Edit List 41-43, 14-15U
EDIT Indicator 18
Editing, Assembly 41-43, 14-15U
Editing, Insert 45
Editing, Manual 43-44, 16U
END Key 14, 25
Errors, Timer Record 40
Fail-Safe Timer Record 40
FF Key 14,27
Frame Advance 27
Freeze Frame 27
Front Panel Display 16
U = in User's Guide (this Guide)
All other page numbers refer to Reference Guide