Tektronix OA 5000 TV Cables User Manual

Appendix G: Product Verification
A --- 24
H Set the WAVELENGTH(nm) display to read 1300.
H Push the WAVELENGTH button once more; check that the button is
no longer backlit and that the MODE button is backlit. (After exiting
the wavelength mode, the instrument may require a second or two
to recalculate calibration for the new wavelength; the ATT ADJ light
next to the ATTENUATION(dB) display will briefly be backlit to indi-
cate this.)
Step 1: Push the ADDR(SET) button once.
H The button should become backlit, the ATTENUATION display
should read Addr, and the WAVELENGTH display should show a
number from 0 to 30 or the word OFF.
Step 2: While in this mode, the coarse and fine knobs should increment
or decrement the displayed address value by 1; adjust the value, using
the knobs, to the address desired.
H Check that w hen the value is adjusted above 30 that the word
OFF appears.
Step 3: Push the ADDR(SET) button once again while the desired
address is being displayed; the display mode should return to whatever
state the instrument was in before pushing the ADDR(SET) button.
The address of the instr ument i s not actually updated until the
ADDR (SET) mode is exited.
Step 1: Enter the Wavelength set mode for the OA 5000 by pushing the
WAVELENGTH button so that the display reads SEt.
Step 2: Using the knobs, adjust the wavelength to read 1350 nm.
Step 3: Exit the Wavelength Set mode by pushing the WAVELENGTH
button again; the instrument will require a second to prepare the new
calibration tables (as indicated by the ATT ADJ briefly lighting up).
Step 4: Adjust the OA 5000 such that the display mode is showing
attenuation in dB with the ATT indicator lit and the ---REF indicator not lit.
Step 5: Using the knobs, increase the level of attenuation (turn the
coarse knob clockwise); keep increasing the level until the value reach-
es a maximum level and no longer increases. This value should exceed
60.00 dB.
GPIB Address Setting
Attenuation Range