Tektronix OA 5000 TV Cables User Manual

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*RST does the following:
H Puts the OA 5000 into the Operation Complete Command Idle State.
H Puts the OA 5000 into the Operation Complete Query Idle State.
H Returns the instrument settings to those listed on page 3---24.
The *RST command does not alter the following:
H The state of the IEEE Std 488.1 interface.
H The selected IEEE Std 488.1 address of the OA 5000.
H Calibration data that affects device specifications.
H The Output Queue.
H The Standard Status Register Enable setting.
H The Standard Event Status Enable setting.
H The Power-on status clear flag setting.
H HEADer and VERBose settings.
The *SRE (Service Request Enable) command sets and queries the bits in
the Service Request Enable Register (SRER). For a complete discussion of
the use of these registers, see page 3---35.
*SRE <NRf>
<Space> <NRf>
<NRf> is a value in the range from 0 to 255. The binary bits of the SRER are
set according to this value. Using an out-of-range value causes an execution
The power-on default for SRER is 0 if *PSC is 1. If *PSC is 0, the SRER
maintains its value through a power cycle.
Related Commands: