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<QString>::= <Message>;[<Command>]
<Command> is the command that caused the error and may be returned
when a command error is detected by the OA 5000. As much of the com-
mand will be returned as possible without exceeding the 60 character limit of
the <Message> and <Command> strings combined. The command string is
might return the string 401,”Power on” or 113,”Undefined head-
er; unrecognized command-abc”.
ATTenuation can be used as both a query and as a command to set device
parameters. ATTenuation has three parameters: DB, DBR, and MIN. Use the
DB term to query or set attenuation in absolute terms relative to minimum
attenuation. To query or set attenuation values relative to the REFerence
value, use the DBR term. To set the attenuation to the minimum (0 dB), use
the MIN term.
Attenuation can be changed even if the light shutter is closed.
STORe, RECall.
Related Commands: