Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference
Parameter Description
Valid Range Time schedule presented as XXXX-YYYY
0123456, where XXXX is the starting hour, YYYY
is the finishing hour, and the numbers 0123456
are the days of the week starting with Sunday.
Default Value 0000-2359 0123456 (all the time)
Syntax Integer
Example nsDS5ReplicaUpdateSchedule: 0000-2359
0123456 nsDS50ruv
This attribute stores the last replica update vector (RUV) read from the consumer of this replication
agreement. It is always present and must not be changed. nsruvReplicaLastModified
This attribute contains the most recent time that an entry in the replica was modified and the
changelog was updated.
2.3.9. Synchronization Attributes under cn=syncAgreementName,
cn=WindowsReplica,cn="suffixName", cn=mapping tree, cn=config
The synchronization attributes that concern the synchronization agreement are stored
under cn=syncAgreementName, cn=WindowsReplica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping
tree, cn=config. The cn=syncAgreementName entry is an instance of the
nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement object class. For synchronization agreement configuration
attributes to be taken into account by the server, this object class (in addition to the top object class)
must be present in the entry. Synchronization agreements are configured only on databases that are
enabled to synchronize with Windows Active Directory servers.
cn nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateEnd
description nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStart
nsDS5ReplicaBindDN (the Windows sync
manager ID)
nsDS5ReplicaBindMethod nsDS5ReplicaPort
nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime nsDS5ReplicaRoot
nsDS5ReplicaChangesSentSinceStartup nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime
nsDS5ReplicaCredentials (the Windows sync
manager password)
nsDS5ReplicaHost (the Windows host) nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo
nsDS5ReplicaLastInitEnd nsDS5ReplicaUpdateInProgress
nsDS5ReplicaLastInitStart nsDS5ReplicaUpdateSchedule
nsDS5ReplicaLastInitStatus nsDS50ruv
Table 2.7. List of Attributes Shared Between Replication and Synchronization Agreements