Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=config
Valid Values on | off
Default Value off
Syntax DirectoryString
Example nsslapd-readonly: off nsslapd-referral (Referral)
This multi-valued attribute specifies the LDAP URLs to be returned by the suffix when the server
receives a request for an entry not belonging to the local tree; that is, an entry whose suffix does not
match the value specified on any of the suffix attributes. For example, assume the server contains only
but the request is for this entry:
In this case, the referral would be passed back to the client in an attempt to allow the LDAP client to
locate a server that contains the requested entry. Although only one referral is allowed per Directory
Server instance, this referral can have multiple values.
To use SSL and TLS communications, the referral attribute should be in the form
Start TLS does not support referrals.
For more information on managing referrals, see the "Configuring Directory Databases" chapter in the
Directory Server Administrator's Guide.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=config
Valid Values Any valid LDAP URL in the form ldap://server-
Default Value
Syntax DirectoryString
Example nsslapd-referral: ldap://ldap.example.com nsslapd-referralmode (Referral Mode)
When set, this attribute sends back the referral for any request on any suffix.