topology The way a directory tree is divided among physical servers and how
these servers link with one another.
Transport Layer Security See TLS.
uid A unique number associated with each user on a Unix system.
URL Uniform Resource Locater. The addressing system used by the
server and the client to request documents. It is often called a
location. The format of a URL is protocol://machine:port/document.
The port number is necessary only on selected servers, and it is often
assigned by the server, freeing the user of having to place it in the
virtual list view index Speeds up the display of entries in the Directory Server Console.
Virtual list view indexes can be created on any branch point in the
directory tree to improve display performance.
See Also browsing index.
X.500 standard The set of ISO/ITU-T documents outlining the recommended
information model, object classes and attributes used by directory
server implementation.