Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference
Parameter Description
Valid Range 0 to 5
Default Value 0
Syntax Integer
Example passwordMinCategories: 2 PasswordMinDigits (Password Syntax)
This sets the minimum number of digits a password must contain.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=config
Valid Range 0 to 64
Default Value 0
Syntax Integer
Example passwordMinDigits: 3 passwordMinLength (Password Minimum Length)
This attribute specifies the minimum number of characters that must be used in Directory Server user
password attributes. In general, shorter passwords are easier to crack. Directory Server enforces a
minimum password of eight characters. This is long enough to be difficult to crack but short enough
that users can remember the password without writing it down.
This can be abbreviated to pwdMinLength.
For more information on password policies, see the "Managing Users and Passwords" chapter in the
Directory Server Administrator's Guide.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=config
Valid Range 2 to 512 characters
Default Value 6
Syntax Integer
Example passwordMinLength: 6 PasswordMinLowers (Password Syntax)
This attribute sets the minimum number of lower case letters password must contain.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=config
Valid Range 0 to 64
Default Value 0
Syntax Integer