Replication Attributes under cn=replica, cn="suffixDN", cn=mapping tree, cn=config
This attribute specifies the interval, in seconds, to perform internal purge operations on an entry. When
setting this attribute, ensure that the purge delay is longer than the longest replication cycle in the
replication policy to preserve enough information to resolve replication conflicts and to prevent the
copies of data stored in different servers from diverging.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree,
Valid Range 0 (keep forever) to maximum 32-bit integer
Default Value 604800 [1 week (60x60x24x7)]
Syntax Integer
Example nsDS5ReplicaPurgeDelay: 604800 nsDS5ReplicaReferral
This multi-valued attribute specifies the user-defined referrals. This should only be defined on a
consumer. User referrals are only returned when a client attempts to modify data on a read-only
consumer. This optional referral overrides the referral that is automatically configured by the consumer
by the replication protocol.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree,
Valid Values Any valid LDAP URL
Default Value
Syntax DirectoryString
Example nsDS5ReplicaReferral: ldap://ldap.example.com nsDS5ReplicaRoot
This attribute sets the DN at the root of a replicated area. This attribute must have the same value as
the suffix of the database being replicated and cannot be modified.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=replica, cn=suffixDN, cn=mapping tree,
Valid Values Suffix of the database being replicated, which is
the suffix DN
Default Value
Syntax DirectoryString
Example nsDS5ReplicaRoot: "dc=example,dc=com" nsDS5ReplicaTombstonePurgeInterval
This attribute specifies the time interval in seconds between purge operation cycles.