repl-monitor.pl (Monitors Replication Status)
Option Description
-r If specified, causes the routine to be entered
without printing the HTML header information.
This is suitable when making multiple calls to this
routine — such as specifying multiple, different,
unrelated supplier servers — and expecting a
single HTML output.
-t refreshInterval Specifies the refresh interval in seconds. The
default value is 300 seconds. This option must
be used with the -u option.
-u refreshUrl Specifies the refresh URL. The output HTML file
may invoke a CGI program periodically. If this
CGI program in turn calls this script, the effect
is that the output HTML file would automatically
refresh itself. This is useful for continuous
monitoring. See also the -t option. The script
has been integrated into Red Hat Administration
Express, so that the replication status can be
monitored through a web browser.
-v Prints the version of this script.
Table 7.32. repl-monitor.pl Options
Configuration File Format
The configuration file defines the following:
• The connection parameters for connecting to the LDAP servers to get replication information;
specifying this information is mandatory.
• The server alias for more readable server names; specifying this information is optional.
• The color thresholds for time lags; specifying this information is optional.
The format for the configuration file is shown below.
alias = host:port
alias = host:port
lowmark = color
lowmark = color
The connection section defines how this tool may connect to each LDAP server in the replication
topology to get the replication-agreement information. The default binddn is cn=Directory
Manager. Simple bind will be used unless bindcert is specified with the path of a certificate database.