Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities
Option Description
• realm, the Kerberos realm
• flags
The expected values depend on the supported
mechanism. The -o can be used multiple times
to pass all of the required SASL information for
the mechanism. For example:
-o "mech=DIGEST-MD5" -o "authzid=test_user" -
o "authid=test_user"
Table 6.17. SASL Options
See SASL Options for ldapsearch for information on how to use SASL options with ldapdelete.
Additional ldapdelete Options
Option Description
-c Specifies that the utility must run in continuous
operation mode. Errors are reported, but the
utility continues with deletions. The default is to
quit after reporting an error.
-f Specifies the file containing the distinguished
names of entries to be deleted. For example:
-f modify_statements
Omit this option to supply the distinguished
name of the entry to be deleted directly to the
-H Lists all available ldapdelete options.
-M Manages smart referrals. This causes the
server not to return the smart referral contained
on the entry but, instead, to delete the actual
entry containing the smart referral. For more
information about smart referrals, see the
"Configuring Directory Databases" chapter in the
Directory Server Administrator's Guide.
-n Specifies that the entries are not actually to be
deleted, but that ldapdelete is to show what it
would do with the specified input.
-O Specifies the maximum number of referral hops
to follow. For example:
-O 2
There is no maximum number of referral hops.