nsDS5ReplicationAgreement (Object Class)
Required Attributes
objectClass Defines the object classes for the entry.
cn Used for naming the replication agreement.
Allowed Attributes
description Contains a free text description of the replication
nsDS5BeginReplicaRefresh Initializes a replica manually.
nsds5debugreplicatimeout Gives an alternate timeout period to use when
the replication is run with debug logging.
nsDS5ReplicaBindDN Specifies the DN to use when a supplier server
binds to a consumer.
nsDS5ReplicaBindMethod Specifies the method (SSL or simple
authentication) to use for binding.
nsDS5ReplicaBusyWaitTime Specifies the amount of time in seconds a
supplier should wait after a consumer sends
back a busy response before making another
attempt to acquire access.
nsDS5ReplicaChangesSentSinceStartup The number of changes sent to this replica since
the server started.
nsDS5ReplicaCredentials Specifies the password for the bind DN.
nsDS5ReplicaHost Specifies the hostname for the consumer replica.
nsDS5ReplicaLastInitEnd States when the initialization of the consumer
replica ended.
nsDS5ReplicaLastInitStart States when the initialization of the consumer
replica started.
nsDS5ReplicaLastInitStatus The status for the initialization of the consumer.
nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateEnd States when the most recent replication schedule
update ended.
nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStart States when the most recent replication schedule
update started.
nsDS5ReplicaLastUpdateStatus Provides the status for the most recent
replication schedule updates.
nsDS5ReplicaPort Specifies the port number for the remote replica.
nsDS5ReplicaRoot Specifies the suffix DN at the root of a replicated
nsDS5ReplicaSessionPauseTime Specifies the amount of time in seconds a
supplier should wait between update sessions.