Additional Reading
3. Additional Reading
The Directory Server Administrator's Guide describes how to set up, configure, and administer Red
Hat Directory Server and its contents. this manual does not describe many of the basic directory and
architectural concepts that you need to deploy, install, and administer a directory service successfully.
Those concepts are contained in the Red Hat Directory Server Deployment Guide. You should read
that book before continuing with this manual.
When you are familiar with Directory Server concepts and have done some preliminary planning for
your directory service, install the Directory Server. The instructions for installing the various Directory
Server components are contained in the Red Hat Directory Server Installation Guide. Many of the
scripts and commands used to install and administer the Directory Server are explained in detail in the
Red Hat Directory Server Configuration, Command, and File Reference.
Also, Managing Servers with Red Hat Console contains general background information on how to
use the Red Hat Console. You should read and understand the concepts in that book before you
attempt to administer Directory Server.
The document set for Directory Server contains the following guides:
• Red Hat Directory Server Release Notes contain important information on new features, fixed bugs,
known issues and workarounds, and other important deployment information for this specific version
of Directory Server.
• Red Hat Directory Server Deployment Guide provides an overview for planning a deployment of the
Directory Server.
• Red Hat Directory Server Administrator's Guide contains procedures for the day-to-day maintenance
of the directory service. Includes information on configuring server-side plug-ins.
• Red Hat Directory Server Configuration, Command, and File Reference provides reference
information on the command-line scripts, configuration attributes, and log files shipped with
Directory Server.
• Red Hat Directory Server Installation Guide contains procedures for installing your Directory Server
as well as procedures for migrating from a previous installation of Directory Server.
• Red Hat Directory Server Schema Reference provides reference information about the Directory
Server schema.
• Red Hat Directory Server Plug-in Programmer's Guide describes how to write server plug-ins in
order to customize and extend the capabilities of Directory Server.
• Using Red Hat Console gives an overview of the primary user interface and how it interacts with
the Directory Server and Administration Server, as well as how to perform basic management tasks
through the main Console window.
• Using the Admin Server describes the different tasks and tools associated with the Administration
Server and how to use the Administration Server with the Configuration and User Directory Server
For the latest information about Directory Server, including current release notes, complete product
documentation, technical notes, and deployment information, see the Red Hat Directory Server
documentation site at http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/dir-server/.