Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts
When the instance is removed, it is shutdown and all of its configuration files are removed. Certificate
database files, like cert8.db and key3.db, are not removed, so the remaining instance directory is
renamed removed.slapd-instance.
remove-ds.pl [ -f ] -i instance_name
Option Parameter Description
-f Forces the removal of the
instance. This can be useful if
the instance is not running but
must be removed anyway.
-i instance_name The name of the instance to
7.4.17. repl-monitor.pl (Monitors Replication Status)
Shows in-progress status of replication.
repl-monitor.pl is in the /usr/bin directory.
repl-monitor.pl [ -h host ] [ -p port ] [ -f configFile ] [ -u refreshUrl ] [ -t
refreshInterval ] [ -r ] [ -v ]
Option Description
-f configFile Specifies the absolute path to the configuration
file, which defines the connection parameters
used to connect to LDAP servers to get
replication information. For more information
about the configuration file, see Configuration
File Format.
-h host Specifies the initial replication supplier's host.
The default value is the current hostname.
-p port Specifies the initial replication supplier's port.
The default value is 389.