Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities
Option Description
This argument can input the bind DN, base DN,
and the search filter pattern in the specified
ldapsearch converts the input from these
arguments before it processes the search
request. For example, -i no indicates that the
bind DN, base DN, and search filter are provided
in Norwegian. This argument only affects the
command-line input; that is, if a file containing
a search filter (with the -f option) is specified,
ldapsearch will not convert the data in the file.
-J Send an arbitrary control. This option can be
used in the following format to retrieve access
control information on a specific entry:
-J control OID:boolean criticality:dn:AuthID
• control OID is the OID for the
get effective rights control,
• boolean criticality specifies whether the search
operation should return an error if the server
does not support this control (true) or if it
should be ignored and let the search return as
normal (false).
• AuthId is the DN of the user whose rights to
-j filename Contains the name of a file containing the
password for the bind DN.
-k Bypasses converting the password to UTF8.
-M Manages smart referrals. This causes the server
not to return the smart referral contained on
the entry but, instead, to return the actual entry
containing the referral. Use this option to search
for entries that contain smart referrals. For
more information about smart referrals, see the
"Configuring Directory Databases" chapter in the
Directory Server Administrator's Guide.
-n Specifies that the search is not actually to be
performed, but that ldapsearch is to show
what it would do with the specified input.
-O Specifies the maximum number of referral hops
ldapsearch should automatically follow. For