Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts
Option Alternate Options Description
If this is not set, then the
migration information is written
to a temporary file, named /
To disable logging, set /dev/
null as the logfile.
7.4.11. ns-accountstatus.pl (Establishes Account Status)
Provides account status information to establish whether an entry or group of entries is inactivated.
ns-accountstatus.pl [ -D rootdn ] [ -w password | -w - | -j filename ] [ -p port ] [ -h host ] -I
DN [ -? ]
Option Description
-D rootdn Specifies the Directory Server user DN with
root permissions, such as Directory Manager.
-h host Specifies the hostname of the Directory Server.
The default value is the full hostname of the
machine where Directory Server is installed.
-I DN Specifies the entry DN or role DN whose status
is required.
-j filename Specifies the path, including the filename, to the
file that contains the password associated with
the user DN.
-p port Specifies the Directory Server's port. The default
value is the LDAP port of Directory Server
specified at installation time.
-w password Specifies the password associated with the user
-w - Prompts for the password associated with the
user DN.
-? Opens the help page.
Table 7.28. ns-accountstatus.pl Options
7.4.12. ns-activate.pl (Activates an Entry or Group of Entries)
Activates an entry or group of entries.