Attribute Uniqueness Plug-in
3.1.4. Attribute Uniqueness Plug-in
Plug-in Parameter Description
Plug-in Name Attribute Uniqueness Plug-in
DN of Configuration Entry cn=Attribute Uniqueness, cn=plugins, cn=config
Description Checks that the values of specified attributes are
unique each time a modification occurs on an
entry. For example, most sites require that a user
ID and email address be unique.
Configurable Options on | off
Default Setting off
Configurable Arguments To check for UID attribute uniqueness
in all listed subtrees, enter uid "DN"
"DN".... However, to check for UID attribute
uniqueness when adding or updating entries
with the requiredObjectClass, enter
attribute="uid" MarkerObjectclass
= "ObjectClassName" and,
optionally requiredObjectClass =
"ObjectClassName". This starts checking for
the required object classes from the parent entry
containing the ObjectClass as defined by the
MarkerObjectclass attribute.
Dependencies Database
Performance Related Information Directory Server provides the UID Uniqueness
Plug-in by default. To ensure unique values for
other attributes, create instances of the Attribute
Uniqueness Plug-in for those attributes. See the
"Using the Attribute Uniqueness Plug-in" in the
Directory Server Administrator's Guide for more
information about the Attribute Uniqueness Plug-
The UID Uniqueness Plug-in is off by default
due to operation restrictions that need to be
addressed before enabling the plug-in in a multi-
master replication environment. Turning the
plug-in on may slow down Directory Server
Further Information See the"Using the Attribute Uniqueness Plug-in"
in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide.
3.1.5. Binary Syntax Plug-in
Plug-in Parameter Description
Plug-in Name Binary Syntax