Distributed Numeric Assignment Plug-in Attributes
Parameter Description
Syntax DirectoryString Integer AgeID
AgeID is s for seconds, m for minutes, h for
hours, d for days, or w for weeks.
Example nsslapd-changelogmaxage: 30d
3.7. Distributed Numeric Assignment Plug-in Attributes
The Distributed Numeric Assignment Plug-in manages ranges of numbers and assigns unique
numbers within that range to entries. By breaking number assignments into ranges, the Distributed
Numeric Assignment Plug-in allows multiple servers to assign numbers without conflict. The plug-in
also manages the ranges assigned to servers, so that if one instance runs through its range quickly, it
can request additional ranges from the other servers.
Distributed numeric assignment is handled per-attribute and is only applied to specific suffixes and
specific entries within the subtree.
3.7.1. dnaFilter
This attribute sets an LDAP filter to use to search for and identify the entries to which to apply the
distributed numeric assignment range.
The dnaFilter attribute is required to set up distributed numeric assignment for an attribute.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment Plugin,
cn=plugins, cn=config
Valid Range Any valid LDAP filter
Default Value None
Syntax DirectoryString
Example dnaFilter: (objectclass=person)
3.7.2. dnaMagicRegen
This attribute sets a user-defined value that instructs the plug-in to assign a new value for the entry.
The magic value can be used to assign new unique numbers to existing entries or to use as a
standard setting when adding new entries.
The magic entry should be outside of the defined range for the server so that it cannot accidentally be
triggered. This attribute also does not have to a number, which can make it easier to assign.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment Plugin,
cn=plugins, cn=config
Valid Range Any string
Default Value None
Syntax DirectoryString