The common attributes for these tasks are listed in Section, “Task Invocation Attributes for
Entries under cn=tasks”.
The cn=tasks entry itself has no attributes and serves as the parent and container entry for the
individual task entries.
Task entries are not permanent configuration entries. They only exist in the
configuration file for as long as the task operation is running or until the ttl period
expires. Then, the entry is deleted automatically by the server. Task Invocation Attributes for Entries under cn=tasks
Five tasks which administer Directory Server instances have configuration entries which initiate
and identify individual operations. These task entries are instances of the same object class,
extensibleObject, and have certain common attributes which describe the state and behavior of
Directory Server tasks. The task types can be import, export, backup, restore, index, schema reload,
and memberof.
The cn attribute is used to identify a new task operation to initiate. The cn attribute value can be
anything, as long as it defines a new task.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=task_type, cn=tasks,
Valid Values Any string
Default Value
Syntax DirectoryString
Example cn: example task entry name
This attribute contains changing information about the status of the task, such as cumulative statistics
or its current output message. The entire contents of the attribute may be updated periodically for as
long as the process is running.
This attribute value is set by the server and should not be edited.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=task_type, cn=tasks,
Valid Values Any string
Default Value
Syntax case-exact string