Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts
Here are a few sample commands:
• Reindex all the database index files:
• Reindex cn and givenname in the database instance userRoot:
db2index -n userRoot -t cn -t givenname
• Reindex cn in the database where the root suffix is dc=example,dc=com:
db2index -s "dc=example,dc=com" -t cn
Option Description
-n backendInstance Gives the name of the instance to be reindexed.
-s includeSuffix Gives suffixes to be included or the subtrees to
be included if -n has been used.
-t attributeName{:indextypes(:mathingrules)} Names of the attributes to be reindexed.
Optionally, this can include the index type (eq,
pres, sub, approx) and a matching rule OID.
-T vlvAttributeName Gives the names of the VLV attributes to be
reindexed. The name is the VLV index object's
common name in cn=config.
Table 7.7. db2index Options
7.3.6. dbverify (Checks for Corrupt Databases)
Verifies the backend database files. If the server crashes because of a corrupted database, this
command can be used to verify the integrity of the different database files to help isolate any