Retro Changelog Plug-in
Plug-in Parameter Description
-1= no check for referential integrity
0= check for referential integrity is performed
Positive integer= request for referential
integrity is queued and processed at a later
stage. This positive integer serves as a wake-
up call for the thread to process the request at
intervals corresponding to the integer (number
of seconds) specified.
• Log file for storing the change; for
example /var/log/dirsrv/
• All the additional attribute names to be
checked for referential integrity.
Dependencies Database
Performance Related Information The Referential Integrity Plug-in should be
enabled only on one master in a multimaster
replication environment to avoid conflict
resolution loops. When enabling the plug-in
on chained servers, be sure to analyze the
performance resource and time needs as well
as integrity needs; integrity checks can be time
consuming and demanding on memory and
CPU. All attributes specified must be indexed for
both presence and equality.
Further Information See the "Managing Indexes" chapter for
information about how to index attributes
used for referential integrity checking and the
"Configuring Directory Databases" chapter in the
Directory Server Administrator's Guide.
3.1.29. Retro Changelog Plug-in
Plug-in Parameter Description
Plug-in Name Retro Changelog Plug-in
DN of Configuration Entry cn=Retro Changelog Plugin, cn=plugins,
Description Used by LDAP clients for maintaining application
compatibility with Directory Server 4.x versions.
Maintains a log of all changes occurring in the
Directory Server. The retro changelog offers
the same functionality as the changelog in the
4.x versions of Directory Server. This plug-in
exposes the cn=changelog suffix to clients,