progress bar. When the nsTaskCurrentItem attribute has the same value as nsTaskTotalItems,
then the task is completed.
This attribute value is set by the server and should not be edited.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=task_type, cn=tasks,
Valid Values 0 to the maximum 32 bit integer value
Default Value
Syntax Integer
Example nsTaskCurrentItem: 148
This attributes shows the total number of subtasks that must be completed for the task operation.
When the nsTaskCurrentItem attribute has the same value as nsTaskTotalItems, then the task
is completed.
This attribute value is set by the server and should not be edited.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=task_type, cn=tasks,
Valid Values 0 to the maximum 32 bit integer value
Default Value
Syntax Integer
Example nsTaskTotalItems: 152
This attribute allows a task to be aborted while in progress. This attribute can be modified by users.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=task_name, cn=task_type, cn=tasks,
Valid Values true | false
Default Value
Syntax Case-insensitive string
Example nsTaskCancel: true
This attribute sets the amount of time (in seconds) the task entry will remain in the DSE after the
task has finished or aborted. Setting a ttl attribute allows the task entry to be polled for new status