schema-reload.pl (Reload Schema Files Dynamically)
When the replication monitor finds a replication agreement that uses the specified port, it will use the
shadow port to connect to retrieve statistics.
7.4.18. schema-reload.pl (Reload Schema Files Dynamically)
Manually reloads the schema files used by the Red Hat Directory Server instance either in the default
location or in user-specified locations.
To run this script, the server must be running. The script creates an entry in the directory that launches
this dynamic task.
schema-reload.pl -D rootdn { -w password | -w - | -j filename } [ -d schema_directory ] [ -
v ]
Option Description
-d schema_directory Gives the full path to the directory where the
schema file is located. If this is not specified, the
script uses the default schema directory, /etc/
If schema files are not in the
default directory, then Directory
Server will not use them the
next time it restarts unless
schema-reload.pl is run
-D rootdn Gives the user DN with root permissions, such
as Directory Manager. The default is the DN of
the Directory Manager, which is read from the
nsslapd-root attribute under cn=config.
-j filename The name of the file containing the password.
-v Verbose mode.
-w password The password associated with the user DN.
-w - Prompts for the password associated with the
user DN.
Table 7.33. schema-reload.pl Options
7.4.19. setup-ds.pl
The setup-ds.pl script is used to create a Directory Server instance. Running this script with the -u
option after the instances are configured updates the configuration with the latest installed packages.