Chapter 7.
Command-Line Scripts
This chapter provides information on the scripts for managing Red Hat Directory Server, such as
backing-up and restoring the database. Scripts are a shortcut way of executing the ns-slapd
interface commands that are documented in Appendix A, Using the ns-slapd Command-Line Utilities.
7.1. Finding and Executing Command-Line Scripts
Most Directory Server-related scripts are located in the /usr/lib/dirsrv/
slapd-instance_name directory for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit) (and in /usr/lib64/
dirsrv/slapd-instance_name on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 64-bit systems). A few are located in
the /usr/bin directory. The exact locations are listed in Section 7.2, “Command-Line Scripts Quick
When scripts request either a directory name or a filename, always provide the absolute path.
The scripts assume the dse.ldif file is located in the /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name
7.2. Command-Line Scripts Quick Reference
The following shell and Perl scripts are located in either the /usr/lib/dirsrv/
slapd-instance_name (for 32-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux) or /usr/lib64/dirsrv/
slapd-instance_name (for 64-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux) directory.
Shell Script Description
bak2db Restores the database from the most recent
archived backup.
db2bak Creates a backup of the current database
db2ldif Exports the contents of the database to LDIF.
db2index Reindexes the database index files.
dbverify Checks backend database files.
ldif2db Imports LDIF files to the database. Runs the
ns-slapd command-line utility with the ldif2db
ldif2ldap Performs an import operation over LDAP to the
Directory Server.
monitor Retrieves performance monitoring information
using the ldapsearch command-line utility.
restart-slapd Restarts Directory Server.
restoreconfig Restores by default the most recently saved
Administration Server configuration to
NetscapeRoot partition.
saveconfig Saves Administration Server configuration stored
in the NetscapeRoot database to the /var/