Error Log Content
Setting Console Name Description
4096 Housekeeping Housekeeping thread
8192 Replication Logs detailed information
about every replication-related
operation, including updates
and errors, which is important
for debugging replication
16384 Default Default level of logging used
for critical errors and other
messages that are always
written to the error log, such
as server startup messages.
Messages at this level are
always included in the error
log, regardless of the log level
32768 Entry cache Database entry cache
65536 Plug-ins Writes an entry to the log file
when a server plug-in calls
slapi-log-error, so this
is used for server plug-in
131072 Microsecond resolution for
timestamps instead of the
default seconds. This cannot
be enabled in the Directory
Server Console.
262144 Access control summary Summarizes information about
access to the server, much
less verbose than level 128.
This value is recommended
for use when a summary of
access control processing
is needed. Use 128 for very
detailed processing messages.
Table 5.4. Error Log Levels
5.2.2. Error Log Content
The error log format is simpler than the access log entries. It is also more flexible because the kind of
information returned depends on the service or operation which is writing the log entry. Generally, error
log entries contain the following elements:
• A timestamp, such as [05/Jan/2009:02:27:22 -0500], although the format varies depending
on the platform. The ending four digits, -0500, indicate the time difference in relation to GMT.