Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference
2.5.1. Legacy Server Attributes
These attributes were originally used to configure the server instance entries for Directory Server 4.x
and older servers. LDAPServer (Object Class)
This object class identifies the LDAP server information. It is defined by Directory Server.
Superior Class
Required Attributes
Attribute Definition
objectClass Gives the object classes assigned to the entry.
cn Specifies the common name of the entry.
Allowed Attributes
Attribute Definition
description Gives a text description of the entry.
l (localityName) Gives the city or geographical location of the
ou (organizationalUnitName) Gives the organizational unit or division to which
the account belongs.
seeAlso Contains a URL to another entry or site with
related information.
generation Store the server generation string.
changelogmaximumage Specifies changelog maximum age.
changeLogMaximumSize Specifies maximum changelog size. changeLogMaximumAge
This sets the maximum age for the changelog maintained by the server.
OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.200
Syntax DirectoryString
Multi- or Single-Valued Multi-valued
Defined in Directory Server