B - Performance and Calibration Procedures
Changing the Calibration Password
The factory default password is 0. You can change the password when the dc source is in calibration
mode (which requires you to enter the existing password). Proceed as follows:
Action Program Commands
1. Reset the unit.
2. Enable calibration mode. (0 is the default password)
3. Enter the new password. You can use any number with up to six
digits and an optional decimal point. If you want the calibration
function to operate without requiring any password, change the
password to 0 (zero).
“CAL:PASS <password>”
4. Save the password.
5. Exit Calibration mode. (*RST also exits calibration mode)
Calibration Error Messages
Errors that can occur during calibration are shown in the following table.
Table B-3. GPIB Calibration Error Messages
Error Meaning
401 CAL switch prevents calibration (call the factory for details)
402 CAL password is incorrect
403 CAL not enabled
404 Computed readback cal constants are incorrect
405 Computed programming cal constants are incorrect
406 Incorrect sequence of calibration commands